Just take a look around you. Chances are, you know someone – or multiple people – with diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, cancer, an autoimmune disease. The list goes on and on. Why are we, as Americans, so sick? Why is this generation the first to have a declining life expectancy for the first time since 1993, despite all our modern technology, research and understanding, and a pill for every illness?
While there are most likely many reasons for our illness, including our SAD – Standard American Diet – nutrition, chronic stress overload, and our “healthcare” or more appropriately named, “sickcare” system, one thing is for sure: what we’re doing now is NOT working. Reacting to illness is NEVER going to make us well. Getting to the source of the illness – not just treating the symptoms – that’s where the future of health is.
Just take a look at this recent article from the New York Times that shows that people are so desperate to feel good they’ll blindly follow their doctor’s recommendations to have a back surgery that has been PROVEN to have little to no results. That’s the kind of faith people have in their medical doctor, and we’re just asking the question, is it justified? Are you getting well – achieving true health? If so, then you’ve found a great doctor! However, for most, research would show otherwise.
That’s why I’m on a mission for a wellness revolution here at Achieve Wellness. We care about your health – your WHOLE body’s health – not just one piece of you. We recognize that your body is made up of hundreds of systems that work together, so when one system is not functioning properly, you can believe that others will be impacted as well. We look at the pivotal role your nervous system plays in regulating ALL of those systems, relieving the strain on your spine so the nervous system can do its job effectively and efficiently. We listen to you to find out what the problems are, using the latest in technology to help us find the root cause of your sickness.
If you’re tired of never feeling great, never finding solutions to your health problems, if you’re tired of being overmedicated and not listened to, if you’re just sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, please, call us at Achieve Wellness. We want to be your health partner to help you on the journey towards TRUE wellness – not just what comes from a bottle or a knife. Let’s change our community’s definition of health from the inside out, and do it the safe, natural way. We’re ready to help relieve the disease so many have become accustomed to. Call us today for a consultation at (320) 762-2055. Wellness is possible with Achieve Wellness!