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Victoria Streich

5 Essentials Coordinator and Metabolix Specialist

VictoriaVictoria Streich’s passion for holistic health and a desire to make a positive impact on people’s lives have driven her to her current role as a 5 Essentials Coordinator and Metabolix Specialist. With over a decade of experience in the health field, Victoria’s journey has been shaped by her dedication to connecting with and helping others. She has witnessed the transformative power of natural approaches to health and wellness, particularly through her involvement with chiropractic care, which has played a significant role in her life and her three daughters’ lives.

Qualifications and Expertise

Having initially pursued studies in Physical Therapy, Victoria became a Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant. Her journey led her to her current role as a 5 Essentials Coordinator and Metabolix Specialist. In this capacity, Victoria guides patients through their health journey by analyzing metabolic testing results and providing coaching for supplemental and nutritional programs. Her commitment to professional development and continuous learning ensures that she stays up-to-date with the latest advancements in her field.

Beyond the Professional Realm

Outside of her professional life, Victoria finds joy in various pursuits. She is an avid traveler, finding inspiration and wonder in witnessing all of God’s artwork. Her dedication to family shines through as she spends quality time with her three daughters. Victoria’s love for nature extends to lake activities, where she can immerse herself in the beauty of the outdoors. Her appreciation for the arts is evident in her attendance at concerts and shows, enriching her life with creativity and entertainment. Additionally, her passion for learning about the intricacies of the human body reflects her insatiable curiosity.

A Miraculous Connection to Health

Victoria deeply believes in the miraculous potential of the human body. Her work allows her to witness this potential being realized as she guides patients on a transformative health journey. Her personal experience with chiropractic care contributed to her natural and smooth pregnancies and deliveries, and her time at Achieve Wellness has further solidified her commitment to holistic health, even leading to her first homebirth.

Schedule an Appointment

Contact Achieve Wellness today to book an appointment!

Victoria Streich | (320) 762-2055